Top Ten Tips Before Investing Your Money!

Investing. A popular word in business school that many first year students may know how to define, but who may not fully understand how to do. In comm 101, our finance speaker simplified and summed up the complicated system of markets and stocks into a brief lecture. Understanding the market is one side of the our learning, but to actually to feel the risk of potentially making a poor investment or to succeed and earn exponential profits are the experiences that add significance to our academic profile.

In this article, Madhavi Acharya-Tom Yew, a business reporter form, has offered 10 things you need to know before staking your capital.

  1. Investor, know thyself
  2. Have a plan
  3. Buy quality
  4. Stocks vs. Bonds
  5. Diversify
  6. Finding a broker
  7. Look at the fees
  8. Be informed
  9. Gambling vs. Investing
  10. Life Happens

For the full explanation of each tip, please visit the moneyville website via the link below:–investing-10-things-you-need-to-know

Although Madhavi addresses superficial elements to the risks of investing in the market, the article does offer a simple guideline that may help interested young investors, like first year Sauder students, to make sure that we avoid unwanted risks and to not lose out on our first try.


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