Daily Archives: November 16, 2011

Employee Benefits!

Although prospective employment opportunities in our relevant fields of study may seem far-fetched to many first year Sauder students, it is interesting to take a look at which firms are offering the best employee benefits in the market!

Marlene Habib, a Globe and Mail columnist, reported on firms that are offering “offbeat incentives” to employees. Ceridian Canada, L’Oreal Canada, Molson Coors Canada and RBC, selected out of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, are the few Marlene chose that had the best, but seemingly odd, benefits that may top some of our wildest expectations.

Here is a brief overview of what Marlene reported for each of listed firms:

Ceridian Canada 

  • The HR solutions firm offers pet insurance, in which the company will pay up to 80% of employees’ veterinarian fees

L’Oreal Canada 

  • Attracts “Generation Y” workforce by sending employees to international development seminars in France and New York
  • Offers employees daycare services and short summer Friday hours

Molson Coors Canada 

  • Company developed the Molson Beer Academy
  • Program that helps foster employees to appreciate the company’s product and brand by hosting events such as Love of Beer Day

Royal Bank of Canada

  • Selects 700 employees, who have saved up “points” within the company, to go on a cruise

More on the article here:
