Slogan Power


A slogan is an integral part to a company’s image. Creating a timeless and memorable slogan is a challenge for most firms, but  L’Oréal Paris’ famous “Because you’re worth it” has been the brand’s sole tag-line for the past forty years. The slogan empowered woman and promoted feminism within society. However, with a change in time, it is essential for brands to remain relevant. They must adapt to changes in tastes and opinions in mainstream society. So is L’Oréal Paris’ slogan due for a renewal? Will a change in slogan indirectly affect sales?

This article discusses L’Oréal Paris’ strategy to appeal to a contemporary society which adopts a much shorter attention span as “consumers zap through unwanted commercials”. Cyril Chapuy, the CEO of L’Oréal Paris, argues that the slogan will remain relevant as it is universal and applies to all emerging markets. L’Oréal’s original slogan “Because I’m worth it” was changed to “Because You’re Worth it” in 1997 and has since been changed to “Because We’re Worth it” 18 months ago. It is interesting to note that even the slightest changes in pronouns may affect the consumer’s ultimate decision.

As a rationale consumer, do you think small changes in slogan really affect our purchasing decisions?

Watch L’Oreal Paris’ 40th anniversary video

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