Enough of Occupy?

The Occupy Movement, which was initiate by Adbusters, a Canadian anti-consumerist magazine,  has gained significant speed since its inception in early September. The protesters’ ‘cause’ to raise issues about economic and social equality has spread to, as of November 17th 2011, “2,609 cities and towns worldwide”. Despite legal authorities’ consistent attempts to disseminate protests, the Occupiers are unwilling to relinquish their ‘occupied’ areas of public space.

Although I understand  that raising such issues are integral for forward movement in societal and economic thought, I cannot reason why protesters must ‘occupy’ an area for such an extended period of time. Occupying public space simply impedes working individuals from carrying on their duties and causes the space to become increasingly unsafe and unsanitary.

Mike Tupea, a cab driver who was stuck in traffic caused by Occupy New York says, “I have to make a living. I pay $100 for 12 hours for this cab. I am losing money every minute,” he said. “I have all my sympathies for this movement but let me do my living, let working people make a living.”

In addition,  Occupy Vancouver protestors lacked a unified message supported by facts”, according to Peak news.

What are your thoughts? Should the ‘occupation’ of public space by Occupy protesters continue?

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