Nokia’s Windows 8 Tablet?

This blog discusses the entrance of Nokia’s new tablet in 2012.

Mo Bader indicates that Nokia’s partnership with Microsoft will help Nokia reel in loyal Microsoft consumers. However,  I believe that  Nokia will still be unable to penetrate into the already saturated tablet market or to “influence the competition for the best tablet”.

According to a IDC press release in September 2011 on the sales of media tablets and eReader, the iPad continues to dominate the market with “68.3% share of the worldwide market” in the second calendar quarter of 2011. Research In Motion’s introduction of their Blackberry Playbook also grabbed 4.9% of tablet market. Even Android-based media tablets, which are experiencing a slip in market share, still manages to maintain a  26.8% of the market share. Microsoft, on the other hand, has yet to release its tablet operating system to the public.

I agree with Mo Bader that Nokia’s main concerns will be “differentiation of the product and their marketing strategy”, but the company must weigh the pros and cons of using Microsoft’s new Windows 8. Nokia must take on the added concern of convincing consumers that Windows 8 is as versatile or significantly better than available operating systems. Nokia must also push Microsoft to encourage application development in order for Nokia to better market and increase the potential of its product.

What are your concerns about Nokia’s new tablet? Should it even introduce a tablet running Windows 8?

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