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Archive for the ‘Youtube Chaser’ Category

Youtube Chaser: Autotune the news

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Written by KM

September 16th, 2009 at 12:13 pm

Posted in Youtube Chaser

youtube chaser: a fair(y) use tale

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I intended to post this this morning, but I’ve been having some internet connectivity issues. Better late than never, eh?


Written by KM

September 14th, 2009 at 8:35 pm

Posted in Youtube Chaser

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And, a Youtube chaser

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A few weeks ago, my friend Kathryn mentioned that, if she could have access to only one website for the rest of time, it would definitely be IMDB. It’s an interesting question to ponder: if the Internet were burning down and you had to grab one site, what would it be? I haven’t been able to commit to anything, but a strong contender is Youtube. Besides allowing me to watch cute animals and my favorite music videos anytime I want, it also permits the dissemination of obscure film and video. This has the mixed potential of both raising awareness of rare materials, while also failing to preserve that material for the longterm. (This is an issue that comes up periodically on the archival listservs — see, for example, this exchange from the Association of Moving Image Archivists list in 2006.)

Anyway, this summer, I had the pleasure of working with writer Matthew Stadler at the University of Oregon in Portland. He hosted regular show and tell sessions for students and staff, and had everyone bring a “Youtube chaser” for between sessions. I’ve decided to carry this tradition on in this blog. Enjoy!


Written by KM

September 13th, 2009 at 9:43 pm

Posted in Youtube Chaser

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