Case Study
Lenora is a grade 4 teacher at the Eliza Archie Memorial School, located on the Tsq’escenemc Canim Lake Band reserve. Last year she attended an anti-bullying professional development (pro-d) workshop offered by SD 83 (North Okanagan). There was a lot of valuable information in the session, but Lenora felt it often wasn’t culturally relevant for her First Nations community. When she discussed her experience with peer Aboriginal educators in the Cradleboard Teaching Project Teacher’s Circle (, many agreed. And many had stories to share about bullying in their band schools.
Indigenous online communities of practice like Cradleboard have really helped Lenora develop her own reflective practice. She’s decided to create an online anti-bullying resource for band teachers – a sort of online pro-d day – that offers support and suggestions from other Aboriginal educators and their allies in addressing the particulars of bullying behaviour in band schools.
But Lenora’s web access at home is dial-up only. It can take a really long time to upload and download files. There is broadband at her school, but after teaching all day and additional prep and marking time, she needs to find a way to make this work from home, since time with her own family is important to her. Plus she’s never created a web site before and doesn’t know anything about where one puts a website.
First, the fact that Lenora is challenging her outlook on using technology to connect is something that should be applauded. Sharing and communication a deep rooted tradition in the native community so it makes perfect sense to try and bring that ancient tradition in the present through the use of emerging technologies. Having this site set up will not only create new community ties but also work to help once isolated students share their pain and work with their teachers to combat bullying in their community.
As for what tool to use to achieve her goal, there are many choices out there: WordPress, Google Sites, Squarespace, Wix, Sitebuilder, and Weebly just to name a few. Since this is Lenora’s first website, I would recommend that the chooses to create her site. This site is the best choice for her because it offers a very simple drag and drop interface that will not overwhelm her. This is not to say that it is not a powerful tool, but it is something that even newcomer to website design can easily understand and take full advantage of. The problem of dial-up can be circumvented though Weebly’s feature of adding images and videos through embed codes or URL. If Lenora uses this feature she does not have to upload the image from her computer at home. Simply add a link to it and Weebly will fetch the image/video for her. Thus she would not have to worry about her bandwidth issue. Weebly offers a number of online videos or text articles that can aid her if she needs help to understand how to do this. Weebly also offers mobile editing of the site, so if Lenora has a smart phone (over 55% of Canadians have smart phones in 2014) she can use her phone.
I feel that setting up the site would really only require 2-3 weeks. The first week would be Lenora planning out what message she would like to present and who she would like to present it to. She should decide on the page structure of her site and also which social media tools she would like to include in her design (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc.). After this initial planning stage, it is simply a matter of creating the pages she thinks she will need and setting those pages up with content.
With a simple yet powerful tool, the creation of this type of site takes very minimal computer/website creation knowledge.