What determines the success of a product?

The PS4 has made it’s debut in the North American market and after a 7-year spell from it’s predecessor and though the Xbox One is yet to make it’s debut,  people struggle to determine which is the better to buy.

PS4 is said to undeniably have the better graphics on the console, but despite this leap in the way gaming is played on consoles, it doesn’t make it the better, nor more desirable console to buy.

Sony and Microsoft have found themselves fighting for the top console position for years, introducing new innovative idea’s for gaming and transforming gaming into what was considered unimaginable a mere decade ago. But to become ‘number one’, both companies will need to market their product correctly. Already having introduced themselves at conferences, such as E3, the PS4 and Xbox One will need to integrate various tools and concepts in order to find themselves in a controlling position. Of course, Sony and Microsoft produce a vast number of products. The PS4 is looking to aid Sony and boost their profit after a disappointing introduction to their newest TVs. In the early stages, marketing and differentiating the products could determine which company wins.



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