All posts by julietob

Epilogue: transformative learning innovation outcomes … and beyond …

In between the end of our class and the due date for final projects, while you were working on them—by “you” I mean you, dear brilliant students—something interesting and relevant happened in the larger world of literary studies: the latest issue of the journal of the Modern Language Association (PMLA) appeared. The topic of its Theories and Methodologies section is “How We Write Now: The Humanities, the Academy, and the Twenty-First Century World.” You can read the whole issue (and others) online here, via our library.

I’d like to draw your attention to one piece in that section, “Frames of Thought” by Nick Sousanis. (He is the author of Unflattening (2015), which you may also enjoy.) Extracts from it punctuate this present Posssibly But Not Definitely (Because This Course Is Also About Learning To Try To Avoid Apocalyptic Endings) Last Post, and the image below is its first page; clicking on it will lead you to the whole work. Consider it a serendipitous coincidental (and maybe magical) supplement to our course and its objectives and outcomes. May reading it help to continue your marvelling work in marvellous lives.



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