About Me

Hello, my name is Marlis Enders and this website is a collection of my assignments for my master’s course – ETEC 540.  If all goes well, by the end of 2021, I will have completed my 10 courses (30 credits) in order to complete the Master’s of Educational Technology program at UBC in Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

I am a high school secondary math and science teacher who has over 20 years experience in the Surrey school district, but after a recent move to beautiful Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island, I am currently working as a Teacher on Call for the Parksville/Qualicum school district.

I have a passion for incorporating various forms of technology in my teaching practice in order to enhance learning for my students.  I am continually amazed and excited by new and innovative ways to bring various science and math concepts to life.  Learning is more accessible and interesting when it is hands on and personally applicable, and technology such as VR and computer simulations makes this much easier.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my site, and please feel free to leave comments and suggestions.  I hope you like what you see.

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