Assignment 1:5

I have a great story to tell you, It’s about how beauty was rediscovered in the world.


There once was a young lady named Rose, a very curious and adventurous girl. She liked to take long walks through the city and then venture off to the countryside where she did all of her best thinking. One day while passing through the city she stopped and noticed all of the busy streets, loud noises and crowds of people she did not know. She did not like to look at the city and found it rather disgusting to look at, so Rose continued her walk to the countryside. Once she got there, Rose picked a spot that looked nice and sat down. When she stopped and listened she could hear the birds, a frog in the distance and the subtle sound of a creek near by. Rose thought that living in the countryside would be the absolute best idea. So the next day she decided to try it out and spend one weekend not in the city. The first night was great, Rose felt as if she was coming back to where she was supposed to be. However by the second night she began to grow lonely. She tried talking to the trees and the animals however they could not talk back so the conversations did not last very long. She was awake almost all night wishing she could hear another human being. When the morning came she packed her things and went back to the city. On the way back home she noticed the little beautiful things about the city. She saw a mother hug her child, she saw a couple holding hands, a neighbour waving. She no longer saw the crowds of people as a negative, she learnt to see the beauty in her surroundings, and to appreciate what she has.


I liked being able to recreate the story/creation of evil in a different way. I chose to make the mind/thoughts the evil in the story to show that you can try to see the beauty around you. I chose to do this because the end of Thomas King’s writing that we read really stuck to me, where he explains how sometimes the way we think of creation determines our outlook on life. That idea really stuck with me and is what inspired my short story about finding the beauty within your surroundings.

One Comment

  1. Hello Megan,
    A lovely story – but what happened to ‘once a story is told ….. ” Did you ‘tell’ your story?

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