Assignment 2:3

I loved being able to read a bunch of blogs and gain a better understanding about other people in the class and what their sense of home is. I chose to do this assignment looking at Katarina, Georgia, Jacob, Grace and Emilia’s blogs and the way they feel about home. Some of the recurring themes that I noticed were:

  • Home is not necessarily a place, building or city but the people that you surround yourself with that make you feel loved or “at home”.
  • Home is a feeling inside yourself
  • Somewhere on the surface but the love you feel underneath

Katarina, Grace and Emilia look at the places they have been/live at pieces of what home is to them. They look at their surroundings, smells, sounds and feelings associated with home and where they live but also look at the people that make home for them. Jacob is very different from the blogs that I read. He still associated home with a feeling rather than a place but his feeling is more about freedom. What makes him feel like home is the ability to roam which is what makes him happy.

All of the blogs that I read do have many things in common with what I think of when I think about home in my mind. They all look at feelings first when they stop and think about what makes home to them. I am the same way. When I think of home I think of the people that I love and the feelings I get when I am with these people. I do understand Jacob’s perspective when it comes to roaming and the feeling of freedom being a sense of home. I absolutely love traveling and everything about it, and like I mentioned in my blog post about home, one of the places i consider home is Orlando Florida where I travelled to and lived for almost four months. In addition to this trip I have been to Orlando seven separate times (because Disney is a feeling of home for me too!)


I loved being able to read a bunch of different people’s blogs about what makes home for them. I find it amazing how all of us live such different lives, and some of us are separated by larger distances and have never met yet we are still so connected in the ways we think of home.

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