Expansion into Malaysia

In recent years, the Southeast asian region (Malaysia, the Philippines, etc) has dramatically grown and become a bright economical hub.  Some Canadian companies, such as Montreal-based CAE, have capitalized on this economical development.  They have expanded into Malaysia and are now in charge of all the pilot-triaining for Air Asia, a fast growing discount airline.  According to Marc Parent, chief executive officer of CAE, Canada is now punching “way above our weight” in the aerospace sector thanks to the growing Southeast asian middle class.  Another factor that has helped Canadian business in Southeast asian countries is various visits from top Canadian officials,  including a recent visit from the prime minister himself, Stephan Harper.

The Southeast Asian region has a growing work force and is an ideal location for companies to outsource their products. Therefore, economical expansion and increasing trade between Canada and the Southeast asian region would be beneficial not only to Canada’s economy, but for the Southeast asian region as well.





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