Pass the Beer, From Africa

Africa’s traditional brew has been produced for many of years, being made by rural women using wood fires and earthen pots and served during ceremonies and rituals such as weddings, funerals, and prayers.  However, in recent years African beer has made the transition from a traditional drink to a modern commercialized beverage.  Chibuku, an African brewery, has taken the beer, packaged it in colourful containers and made it readily available in liquor stores in countries around Africa.

It is important to note that Africa is willingly taking a traditional aspect of their culture and transforming it into a modern, commercialized product in order to facilitate growth and progress.

This growth in the African beer market is beneficial as the new brewery plants, delivery and transportation services, and necessary marketing will create jobs and boost the economy of Africa.  As well, the new job opportunities will attract a larger workforce which will also help to initiate economic growth in Africa.





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