Comment: Lachlan Hick’s Blog Post

Lachlan’s article was about how Tesla is planning on opening a Supercharger station in Revelstoke, BC. He wrote about how this is a smart move for Tesla “as it will attract many customers that are seeking a vehicle that is capable of travelling long distances without having to stop for long, charging breaks”. I agree with what he is saying as it is being built in a very good location along the Trans Canada so for people who are doing longer trips in electric cars it provides them with somewhere where not only they can stop and recharge but in a beautiful location as well. Being from Calgary and having a ski condo in Big White just outside of Kelowna I have driven through Revelstoke many times. It is a perfect location to stop for a break because it is a cute little town nestled in the mountains with quite a few good coffee shops and places to eat. Lachlan also wrote about how Tesla has started to focus on expanding outside of the US which is key for the company’s growth. I agree with this too as Tesla needs to start creating customer bases globally and a good place for them to start is in Canada, especially in BC as there are many people that live here who are very pro-environment. These people may be looking for alternatives to gas powered cars and with Tesla developing more infrastructure around BC, people will be more inclined to purchase Tesla’s vehicles. Tesla has a good thing going for them as they are different from many other cars out there and in order to keep growing they need to keep building their infrastructure.


A fleet of Tesla cars get charged up at one of the company

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