Is UBC the epitome of what it means to be sustainable?

“At UBC, sustainability is not just a word to define – it’s a word that defines us. Through teaching, learning and research, and our operational and community efforts, we are advancing sustainability on campus and beyond.” 

Sustainability and UBC seem to go hand in hand these days. UBC has committed a great deal to becoming a sustainable campus. One of these commitments is present in UBC’s Strategic Plan and details the ways the university will explore and epitomize sustainability in social, economic, and environmental aspects. In addition to the strategic plan, UBC also created a 20-year sustainability strategy in 2014 that outlines its goals to achieve by 2035. It has goals that fall under three different segments: teaching, learning and research; operations and infrastructure; and UBC community. Along with the goals, UBC has set specific targets to achieve by specific years. One example of this is a 67% greenhouse gas emission reduction by 2020 (from 2007 levels), and by 2050 a 100% reduction. The following video, although it was made in 2010, highlights some of the ways UBC is redefining sustainability at both the Vancouver campus as well as the Okanagan campus:

Along with all of the goals and plans UBC has set out to achieve, there are several programs, campus initiatives and courses students can take that contribute to sustainability on campus as well as education about sustainability. The following are just two examples:

UBC Farm – The UBC Farm is located near Wesbrook Village on 24 hectares of land. The Centre for Sustainable Food Systems is located here and is a research centre that aims to understand and transform both local and global food systems to becoming more sustainable. The UBC Farm is also certified organic and grows over 200 varieties of vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

LEED Certification – As of 2008, all new building construction and major renovations for buildings at UBC are required to be LEED Gold certified. There are now 10 LEED certified buildings on campus with 15 more pending certification. The building leading the pack is the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability which is platinum certified, however the new SUB building (the Nest) is pending certification to be platinum certified as well.

Image result for CIRS

CIRS Building

I think it is amazing that UBC is so committed to a sustainable future and I feel so fortunate that I am able to be a part of that. I look forward to pursuing a career in sustainability and putting my business degree to good use to create positive change!


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