Oceanwise and ASC (Comment on Clara’s Blog)


As I was browsing through people’s blogs, I opened Clara’s and her post caught my eye. I have started noticing Oceanwise symbols popping up at more and more food related places in Vancouver. This interests me because I am a pescatarian, which just means a vegetarian that eats fish, however I like to know where my fish comes from. I don’t like just being served any fish and not having a clue as to where it has come from. The main reason I became vegetarian was because I don’t agree with the ethics in the meat industry so the same applies to the fishing industry. Clara talked about  Oceanwise and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification (ASC) being related and how “it is a point of difference that is likely going to place certain businesses on a higher playing field”. I completely agree with this statement because whenever I go out to eat in Vancouver if I am going to order a fish dish I always want to know if it is sustainable, if it isn’t then I am less likely to eat at that place. She also mentioned how with Loblaws being the first retailer in North America to sell ASC certified salmon it will provide a safety assurance to customers and on top of that I think it will improve their market share because of people becoming more and more concerned over the environment.




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