Blog post in response to “Holy Guacamole” by Peter Milobar

mcdonaldsguacamoleAfter much scrolling through the blog posts of my fellow classmates, I came across Peter’s “Holy Guacamole” post about McDonalds’s latest business plan to attract customers by adding guacamole to McDonald’s burgers.  I proceeded to conduct further research and I couldn’t agree more with Peter’s standpoint: McDonald’s needs to re-evaluate the direction it wants to take and quick!

Firstly, this idea will severely damage the strength the company holds in its value propositions!  Adding another value proposition in hopes of expansion by appealing to a higher class of customer will only distract the company from doing what it already does best – making quick and delicious fast food!

Secondly, after researching a variety of sites, I’ve learned that McDonald’s is the #1 fast food chain in the world.  The 9 fast food chains following McDonald’s don’t  even advertise themselves as guacamole loving restaurants!  Is McDonald’s trying to compete with a competitor that doesn’t even exist?

After all, adding guacamole to its menu will only trouble McDonald’s by lengthening lineups and a higher production cost due to the addition of an expensive ingredient.

This plan is already in effect in Colorado, and I believe further expansion of this strategy will only weaken McDonald’s as a whole.


Holy Guacamole!!

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