Response to “Walmart Goes Green” post by Dallas Barnes

Growing up in California, Walmart provided my family with everything from groceries to school supplies, so when I came across Dallas’ post, “Walmart Goes Green“, I was drawn in and immediately started reading. walmart

When I was younger, the word “green” meant only a color – not a lifestyle.  However, over the years, organic and sustainable living has become very popular very quickly and we have become more interested in where we’re getting our food from and how it’s produced.  With this knowledge in mind, it comes to no surprise that Walmart wants to get in on this trend.  I would assume both Dallas and I had the same question: what took Walmart so long?

After all, many companies have gone green, promoting healthy living through the consumption of organic foods.

Walmart, however, has gone about its transformation in many ways other companies have overlooked.

In addition to taking a greener approach in its food produce department, Walmart has also reduced energy waste in its heating systems, and vows to continue to get more involved with its communities through local transactions.

In doing so, not only does Walmart expand its customer segments and enhances its value propositions, the company also creates shared value for consumers, suppliers, producers, and the company itself.  Furthermore, Walmart operates through sustainable approaches that benefits both the company as a whole and if executed correctly, the environment.


Walmart Goes Green

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