Thoughts on Ducktape Marketing’s Business Blog

Ducktape Marketing’s business blog by John Jantsch is thought provoking and insightful for many reasons.  “The Secret to Building the Most Profitable Business Possible” connects with my already existing hope to become an entrepreneur, and evidently applies nearly all concepts we’ve learned in class to every day life.

Essentially, John speaks of taking a modern and refreshing approach to each operation and business plan encountered.  However, he does so without using formal terminology such as, “customer segments” and “value propositions”; he uses words such as, “different” and “remarkable” instead.

John further explains the importance of working from the right side of the business model canvas, to the left.  In other words, it’s more beneficial to analyze the root of customer needs (in addition to customer needs themselves) and then using that information, construct a good or service to tend to customer needs and desires.

bmc(This image was taken directly from the COMM 101 Class 8 slides.)

After reading John’s take on processing and finalizing operations, I have learned that this approach although cannot be guaranteed flawless, can be applied to nearly any type of business, and more importantly, overall confirms that entrepreneurship is the route in which I would like to take.


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