
The Fraser River Estuary: A Marine Habitat or Ship Parkade?

Container Ship Loading at Roberts Bank Terminal, January 25, 2009.
Photograph: Murray Foubister, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Picture the British Columbian coastline. You likely imagine a view of the beautiful Salish Sea framed by snow-capped mountains. The reality? A coastline teaming with cargo ships, blocking the mountains and arguably ruining your ideal Instagram photo. 

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IAA 2019: A Strive For Progress, Not Perfection

By Megan Sheline, Brenna Williams, and Fion Lao


We are cautiously optimistic by the introduction and passing of the Trudeau Government’s new Impact Assessment Act (IAA 2019). This bill has made great leaps in establishing the consideration and protection of Indigenous rights and representation. This is a great improvement and departure from the previous environmental assessment act (CEA Act 2012) passed under the Harper administration. While the new Impact Assessment Act has made great steps in the right direction, it is not without its faults. This act falls short in its ability to deliver sufficient information on how meaningful public participation will be guaranteed throughout the entirety of a project, regional and strategic assessment. IAA 2019 should be celebrated for the considerable progress it has made, but we must recognize that there is still space for refinement.  Continue reading


A Rhino-Sized Crisis

White Rhino pair in South Africa
Image by Komencanto, released in the Public Domain

As most of the world sits at home, obeying the imposed lockdown strategy set in place to combat COVID-19, the world has been seeing unprecedented drops in the air pollution levels and wildlife returning to areas they have not occupied in years. However, not all the wildlife on the Earth is benefitting from decreased human presence outside. Tourism has seen a complete halt around the world and, surprisingly, has come with devastating effects to the wildlife.

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