Not everyone still watches TV

We live in an age where media doesn’t only mean TV and print. It includes everything, from social media and online videos to mobile apps and tablets. What this means is that companies have tons of options to reach consumers. Facebook and Youtube have been a great platform to reach consumers, and what with Instagram joining in on the ad game too, consumers have nowhere to hide!  I found some recent statistics online that suggest that the number of TV subscribers are starting to fall and the use of social media continues to rise. Digital media seems to be where it’s at.

I read in an article from the Business Insider that the amount of advertising money spent on TV ads by American marketers is 50% more than on digital media. This should probably change seeing as young people today spend less time watching cable TV and watch their videos and shows online instead. People are also increasingly using their phones and tablets more than their TVs. I can definitely vouch for this trend, as a student. Many of my friends, myself included, do not subscribe to cable TV. We watch all our shows online for free!

One of the most desirable means of advertising is online video. A good video will find its way around a large audience because consumers will share it amongst themselves for no cost to the company. Especially if it goes viral. Isn’t that ideal? Moreover I learnt recently that people are more likely to remember and recall brands and ads when videos have been recommended through social media channels. The Business Insider article stated that video advertising is now up to 13.2 billion monthly views in the U.S. alone. In my opinion, this is where the advertising money should be, where the consumers really are!

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