Final Assignment: Social Bookmarking

The Final Project for this course was on Describing Communication Technologies. I choose to narrow the focus to that of Social Bookmarking.

We were asked to “take the notion of reciprocal relationships between communication needs, invention and practices as a scaffold, extensively research a particular development in technologies for writing and reading and the implications it had on literacy and education.” We were then given a choice of medium to explain our topic from either a video documentary, a podcast, an infographic poster, or a written piece based on your research.

I choose to create a podcast on the topic of Social Bookmarking to, “Contextualize the technological development historically and culturally, taking into consideration the needs that such a development addressed and the existing practices that shaped it while also suggesting what implications this development may have for literacy and education.”

You can listen to my Podcast here:

References used in the deveopment and creation of this podcast are below:

Social Bookmarking References (Podcast)

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