Virgin America Airline safety video

The safety video made by Virgin America airline is innovative and fun to watch. The idea was to convey a message that was very mundane in an interesting way in ordertto engage the audience. But at the same time this safety video could be used for advertisement purpose as it is well done; the whole idea is fresh not similar to anything that is out there as they integrated different genres of music combined with amazing choreography done by experts as well as actual in flight attendants. By introducing this kind of safety video, they are trying to include this company in the consumer’s mind  to make their decision process easier. I believe they are trying to reach the consumer’s evoked states, because I personally got that kind of impact. To the extent where whenever I would think of purchasing an airline ticket I would consider making it from them to be part of that unique experience . So I would say that the safety video served as an informative one but also a successful add video  . With this video they are trying to target young customers who want to have fun experiences even in places that are least expected like listening to a safety video;  their songs are catchy and they have young performers and I believe this is a good marketing strategy for their target group. The whole idea was carefully thought by including what the virgin airline is all about, who they are, who they cater to, their audience in order to create something that would include most people from different background and can identify with. So overall, I would say that this a successful video in terms of conveying the main information which is about safety but could  is also used as advertisement by focussing on a particular group of people by emphasizing on their  general interest.

Apple Inc( Response to an External blog)

After reading a blog about the Apple company, I decided to add on a few comments about the company as I agree on most the points made by the blogger. He starts off by saying that that the company is where they are  today not because they have just got good products that is very  different from the competitors’ but because of the way that the company positioned itself  in the market. They did not  build the brand overnight, it is something that they were able to acquire over many years. We know that they have had the apple computer since 1976 but it was not until they introduced the I-Pod that they became famous worldwide. Their marketing  is not only guided toward simple advertisements but they also put in place well-though slogans, logos and symbols. Even though sometimes some of the competitors’ products might  actually be better than Apple’s, some consumers, including myself,  will still choose Apple over many other choices. What has apple done to obtain this position, to the point that people would line up in the cold for hours at the release of a new product?

I believe that the company is not just  selling the product, instead it is a matter of selling an  idea by making the consumer believe that their life would be so much better with any Apple product but also show people that they actually need such products. They have done such a good job in their marketing and brand department that sometimes people buy Apple products because they would like to make a statement about themselves. Apple put the idea of the  products before it is actually released and get people to talk about it. That being said, having the new product  is not just a matter of having it but it becomes a thing that everyone want to get and need to get  as a result obtaining it on the day of the release has a lot more meaning than just buying the new product.