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Mar 22 / melissabenjamin

Greatest Lesson Learned

What is the greatest lesson that you've learned from someone else?

When asked this question, the first person that comes to mind is none other than my one and only mother. (Awww). It is not because she has taught me the single greatest lesson I’ve learned, it is because she has never failed to teach me the little things in life which I consider to have conglomerated into one big sacred collection of wisdom. I find it hard to articulate even one of these small lessons, partly because I couldn’t possibly recall ever single time in my life when “she was right and I was wrong”, and partly because I feel that isolating these lessons from each other would strip them of their significance. Had it not been for my egotistical nature, I would have never known that cookies can EASILY be burnt. Had it not been for my stubborn persistence, I would still be reluctant to wear a jacket out in the pouring rain because it didn’t match my outfit. Yes, these are the small beans in the grand scheme of things, but it is these accumulation of moments day after day that has amounted into inherent wisdom. So I thank myself for being, in hindsight, just me. And I thank you Mama Benjamin for being, in hindsight, a wonderful parent.

I better get some brownie points for this.

Just kidding.



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