E-Marketing UBC Blog

Monthly Archives: September 2013

‘Blinkwashing’ – Marketing of the Future?

Recently Virgin Mobile released an e-marketing campaign called ‘Blinkwashing‘ (must watch). As explained by Trevor Mogg in a Digital Trends article, the advert let’s the viewer control the video with the use of your webcam to track your eyes as you watch the advert. The dialog remains the same, with 25 possible scene changes, all within the ‘blink’ of an eye. Personally this intrigues me, I then start to question from a marketing perspective: What valuable marketing data is Virgin […]

Dunken Donuts – Vine Advert

As this is my first post, I’d like to share a little about my blog. My blog will contain regular posts regarding the newest marketing trends online and how businesses have benefited or plummeted. How will this benefit you? Online marketing is the future, and who better to hear about it then from a young discerning University student! An article from Adweek informs us that the popular franchise, Dunken Donuts, has released the first TV advertisement that is created entirely […]

Social Media

“For your business to stand out and succeed, you have to put a primary focus on the social media space, go in big (halfway will not do), and do it better than most, right from the start.” ―     Brian E. Boyd Sr.,     Social Media for the Executive

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