E-Marketing UBC Blog

Monthly Archives: November 2013

Difference Between Adsense and Adwords

Unlike my other posts, this is not a new topic; however I wanted to blog about Adsense and Adwords as until today I did not understand the difference. Google Adwords is a way that business’s can create paid ads that appear in Google Search. Typically paid search ads are situated at the top of a search or to the side and are distinguishable by their faded yellow background. Whereas organic search are shown below the paid search items; shown below. […]


Adwords and my first experience. For the past week I have been monitoring an Adwords Campaign, in which my team and I established for a pub in Richmond, BC. Honestly I found setting up an Adwords campaign to be quite confusing and not very self-explanatory. Of course I did my research, watched Google Help Videos and read blogs about obtaining free start-up coupons. Even so I came across a few ‘hiccups’ on the way, which is to be expected because who can […]

Is Skedadel the New Yelp?

Skedadel is a newly released discovery app co-founded by Peter Boctor. As explained by Kate Knibbs, the app utilises images from Instagram that have been geo-posted and segments them into areas of interest; for instance food, coffee, night life and shops. What’s so special about the app? Basically it replaces websites such as Yelp and Urban Spoon, in which Knibbs describes as some-what time consuming to scroll through different reviews and distinguish the real ones. The application focuses on the […]

Is Facebook Moving too fast too Quickly?

Back in August 2013 Facebook proposed updates to their governing documents; Data Usage Policy and Statements of Rights and Responsibilities. The update would allow personal information such as the consumer’s name, profile picture and content to be connected to advertising or other commercial content, as explained by Erin Egan, Facebook Chief Privacy Officer. However Facebook recently released an explanation of their update on Friday 15th November. Erin Egan clarify’s that ‘nothing about the update (Friday) has changed our advertising policies […]

‘Squat’ and Receive Free Train Ticket

Would you ‘squat’ for a free train ticket? Check it out..Moscow Subway Squats Video The 2014 Winter Olympics hosted in Sochi, Russia, have created an offline campaign to interact with their consumer’s. The promotion is utilized at the Moscow Subway Train Station as shown on the YouTube video where passengers can literally complete 30 squats in under 2 minutes, and receive a free train ticket. As discussed in the Forbes Article, the Russian Olympic Committee ‘wanted to show that the […]

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