‘Squat’ and Receive Free Train Ticket

Would you ‘squat’ for a free train ticket? Check it out..Moscow Subway Squats Video

The 2014 Winter Olympics hosted in Sochi, Russia, have created an offline campaign to interact with their consumer’s. The promotion is utilized at the Moscow Subway Train Station as shown on the YouTube video where passengers can literally complete 30 squats in under 2 minutes, and receive a free train ticket. As discussed in the Forbes Article, the Russian Olympic Committee ‘wanted to show that the Olympic Games are not just an international competition that most people watch on TV every two years, it’s also about involving everyone into the sporting way of life.’ This is an excellent campaign that demonstrates how an offline promotion can be globally successful; and interacted with customers through the use of online media and news.

Of course these types of offline campaigns have been around for the past couple of years, such as Coke’s implementation of their Coke Happiness Machine. Although it is the continuing level of sophistication, competition and freshness of the ideas that keeps the consumer’s interested; without allowing them to be skeptical of what is being promoted. The very reason I am writing about this campaign, which is happening in Russia, is evidence of the ability to reach customer’s on a global scale; but it is also becoming increasingly difficult with customers higher expectations.

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