Text Technologies: The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing

Task 12: Speculative Futures

What does the future hold? A loaded question a lot of us have thought about. In the year 2051, what will tech look like? Will we be traveling by flying cars or have the luxury of the Jetsons by just pressing a button and you are automatically dressed and ready for the day with another button serving you breakfast? Who knows, all we do know is that we keep evolving in society whether to bring better change or to simply make our lives easier. After listening to Dr. Shannon Vallor’s talk on “Lessons from the AI Mirror” on YouTube, I based my two speculative narratives on AI, specifically on how AI can improve societal conditions. Dr. Vallor talks about how AI will be like a prosthetics for our brains. It could help amplify and extend what intelligent humans can accomplish but augment our performance in ways we could never do on our own. She discusses how it can be used as virtual assistants but being able to augment the performance of doctors, therapists, etc. I do not believe AI will take over the human condition, to me humans are humans and the human experience can never be replaced. But in an ever-changing world definitely, a source or tool to help us through different stages in life, personal, professional, and educational levels.

Speculative Narrative 1

IStock by Getty Images. photograph. Retrieved from https://www.istockphoto.com/video/girl-sportsman-hand-call-friend-who-appears-in-hologram-smart-watch-futuristic-and-gm1135982960-302395882.

Reflect is an AI system that lets you go back and review conversations you have had in public settings. With the use of CCTV cameras all around and a smartwatch, your conversations and interactions are recorded. With the help of an AI therapist, you reflect on your interactions, to be made accountable for racial incidents, conversations within the classroom, bullying scenarios, etc. Your interactions are shown to you and your AI therapist goes through them to see what better ways you could have handled being in certain scenarios. Only within public settings.

Reflect Ana: “Good evening Karen, I see you have had a busy day. I would like to discuss a conversation you had at Starbucks today with the barista.”

Karen: “Good evening Ana, I am not sure why as I do not think I did anything wrong, the lady was rude and took forever to make a simple coffee.”

Reflect Ana: “Please sit back and watch your encounter.”

Video playback shows Karen becoming impatient waiting for her coffee and asks the barista to hurry up, please. The barista responds “I will get to you when I can” and then which Karen responds with “I am the paying customer, you need to hurry and do as I say, or maybe my English isn’t clear enough for you to understand.” The barista becomes irritated and explains she can understand English just fine. She then hands Karen her coffee to which Karen responds “it’s about damn time.” The barista rolls her eyes and walks away with Karen complaining about her customer service.

Karen: “See she rolled her eyes at me.”

Reflect Ana: “Karen, what point were you trying to make when you asked if she understood English?”

Karen: “Well she is Chinese and I thought she could not understand that I was in a hurry.”

Reflect Ana: “Your stereotype and assumptions are what caused the barista to roll her eyes at you, as you took your privilege and made it seem like she was your servant when she is performing a public service to you.”

Karen: “Yes Reflect Ana you are right, that did not come off well at all.”

Reflect Ana: “What can we do better next time Karen?”

Karen: “Politely state that I am in a hurry and I would appreciate getting my coffee quickly.”

Reflect Ana: “Or you could manage your time better, it is not their fault you are running late.”

Karen: “Yes you are right, thank you Reflect Ana.”

Make sure you Reflect today.

Speculative Narrative 2

(n.d.). dreamstime. Retrieved from https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/vr-family-apart.html.

In Touch is a virtual reality experience that is going to bring facetime, field trips, and travel to a whole new experience. These simulations are meant to shut out the real world and envelope or “immerse” the viewer, using computers, sensory equipment, and AI. In a post-pandemic world imagine taking your students on a tour of a rain forest habitat, however, not only would they see what a rain forest looks like but be able to walk around, touch, smell like they are actually there. Facetime with your loved ones on a whole new level, you will be able to touch and be in the same virtual space, rather than just staring at them from a screen. Another pandemic hits, no worries you can still travel with your loved ones in a virtual simulation that feels like you are together in your dream getaway.

In Touch

Melissa: “Hey babe wanna Facetime later?”

Josh: “Yes for sure, but I got something better. It is called In Touch. I sent you the headset. All you need to do and place my phone number in the headset put on the gloves I sent and we can Facetime.”

Melissa: “It says that you are inviting me to your apartment?”

Josh: “Just trust me and put the headset on.”

Melissa: “Whoa! it’s like I am in your apartment, is that really you?”

Melissa heads over to Josh and reaches out, she instantly feels his hand in hers, and before she knows it she is being hugged.

Melissa: “Oh this is amazing, it is like I can really touch you and see you and we can have a conversation in person and not just through the computer screen, this is amazing! This will so make being apart easier now.”

Make sure you stay In Touch today.


santaclaraweb. (2018, November 6). Lessons from the ai mirror Shannon Vallor. YouTube. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40UbpSoYN4k.




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