e-portfolio of melissa.lavoie

week 6: trinh case study (aka “sanity, where art thou, sanity?”)

Posted by in weekly readings and responses.

While it is admirable that Trinh prefers to foster a learner-centred class environment, the reality is that working with 150 students across various time zones in an online environment provides many logistical challenges, depending on the type of learner-centred teaching techniques employed. The fact that Trinh receives emails on four (!) different platforms tells me that she is not explicit enough in her instructions. Perhaps she is trying to offer choice to her students in a learner-centred environment; however, with a class as large as this, there needs to be…read more


week 5: mobile technologies and organizational policy

Posted by in weekly readings and responses.

An example of organizational policy that regulates “use of mobile technology” that I have looked at is the province of Alberta’s “Bring your own device: A guide for schools” document. It was referenced in the “Manifesto for 21st Century Learning Broadband: Directives” resource by the Ontario Association of School Business Officials. The four key policy considerations in this document are: responsible/appropriate use, equity of access, network access and bandwidth and the readiness of schools and school authorities for a BYOD model. I believe that any institution that is looking to…read more


week 4. the lenora case study: an lms recommendation.

Posted by in weekly readings and responses.

What would be your advice to Lenora about the LMS choice in this context? Explain your reasoning. Based on several reasons that I will expand on, I would recommend that Lenora utilize a simple, clean and social LMS that also works offline. I believe Google Classroom used in conjunction with Google + communities will serve her needs well, particularly since it is so easy to use, and there are many supports in place to help her implement the tools. Granted, Google Classroom is not considered an LMS (there is no…read more


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