Linking Assignment #6 – Sandra V.

For our final task,”Task 12: Speculative Futures“, I wanted to link to Sandra V.’s assignment as I felt that I could relate with the ideas being communicated through the artifacts.  For artifact 1, there is a drawing of a child learning alone using a translucent screen with some neat features like an AR fish that jumps over the child’s head.  Sandra V. describes the future of learning technologies as a “double edged sword”, and I could not agree more.  I think that I also reflected that sentiment in my own stories about a young girl in the future named Vista.  Sandra V. highlighted something that I only alluded to, and that was loneliness that technology can pose.  I think that we have always known this as a society, but I think that the past year of the Covid-19 pandemic has really brought to the forefront how technology cannot replace human interaction.  There really is going to need to be a balance and something that educators will hopefully always remember and keep in mind.

For artifact 2, Sandra V. mentions  Alberta’s new draft K-6 curriculum and how the focus is more on rote memorization and knowledge acquisition versus being “skills based” like the BC curriculum.  Sandra V. discusses how going forward, skills will be more important as they require practice to develop and that individualized learning plans are the way of the future.  I 100% agree.  It is sad that we are seeing in many places political ideologies attempting to stand in the way of integrating research based approaches into education.

As an educator and parent living in Alberta, the release of the new draft K-6 curriculum really, really upset me.  This curriculum update is attempting to take Alberta backwards rather than forwards with a complete disregard for 21st century educational theories, pedagogy, diversity, inclusion, and the Truth and Reconciliation Committees Calls to Action.  The one thing that does give me hope right now though is technology has afforded the opportunity for people across Alberta to connect and mobilize against the curriculum very quickly.  It just remains to be seen whether the politicians will actually listen.

Link to Sandra V.’s Blog: https://blogs.ubc.sandraetec540/2021/04/04/task-12-speculative-futures