ETEC 540 Task 7: Mode-bending

The challenge

Redesign Task 1 by changing the mode in which it is presented and adding an audio component.

My inspiration

Reflecting on Task 1, there was a question that I neglected to address: what would this same bag have looked like, say, 15 or 25 years ago? Or how about 40 years ago?! I wanted to explore this question while exploring ways in which my childhood shaped how I communicate today.

My rationale

Being a 1980s baby, I can confirm that a lot has changed since then. Technology and media have particularly made massive shifts over the last 4 decades. Technology has also allowed us to look backwards, as YouTube and the internet are now full of 1980s content that was not accessible ‘on demand’ at that time.

The New London Group (1996) acknowledges that our social environments, including media, shape our realities and design our futures. In an attempt to completely redesign the meaning of this assignment, I have put together a collection of videos and links, prompted by the items in my bag, to provide a view into the 1980s and my experiences as a child. This juxtaposition also reminds me that my childhood experiences and media exposure have stayed with me well into adulthood, for better or for worse. As a result, these ‘snapshots’ looking backward not only contribute to my current reality and the design of my own future but also shape my understanding of them.

Click, listen, watch, read, and enjoy travelling back in time!

(Tip: make the Genially full screen by clicking the two opposing arrows in the bottom right corner. There will be a button in the same spot to shrink it back down when you’re done.)


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