Introducing ….. The Popinator!!

Recently, I’ve been finding myself with spare time, so I decided to go search for some inspiration!. Having a paper due next week that requires research of a business innovation you would like to recommend to a company of your choice, I decided to get started early!

I was browsing through a website called FastCompany when I came across this interesting gadget.

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Now I truly believe this is a invention of its kind, but what about its ability to survive in this competitive world? Although not stated, I can’t help but wonder how much it costs. $50? Unlikely, given the production numbers. $100? Maybe, but then again I’m not too familiar with pricing.

Now my question is: Is there a market for this? I’m sure there’s going to be die-hard fans that would definitely purchase this regardless of the cost (which then makes me want to discuss about debt, but that’s a whole new topic). Are there enough people out there to mass produce these machine so that the company is able to reach economies of scale? Is this issue even worth thinking of? Are they planning to expand on this product? There are many questions regarding the developing and the market for this popinator.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think its a great invention, just not very practical. I guess people in the offices may purchase this depending on the company culture and its people. But having only one popcorn flying out of the machine would take forever to finish the bag (assuming that is the goal). I know weight-watchers would argue that this would help with quantitative eating problem and others would argue that the process is what matters.

Flash forward to owning this machine for 6 months. By this time the invention will not look as appealing anymore. Would you still have the patience to say ‘pop’ and wait for the machine to throw you a popcorn? – or rather reach into the bag to eat one? This is just my opinion, leave a comment if you have one.

Also in the video, it was kind of awkward to see people try to catch the popcorn. And what about those who can’t catch with their mouths? Aren’t they going to be teased/discriminated by this? Workplace bullying already has it problems, doesn’t this add to that?

I’m sure I’m over analyzing, but I leave you with the knowledge of such product!



September 18, 2012Permalink Leave a comment

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