Response: “15-Year-Old Entrepreneur is changing the world UndrTheRadr”

Wow. Look at what can become of a simple idea. Whoever said age matters? Aanikh Kier is the perfect example of the “live in the future; create what’s missing” concept of entrepreneurship. Not only did he come up with the idea, but took the chance and took the next step: actually making his idea come to life. With this new innovative technological mini-breakthrough, Kier proved that “any idea could potentially be the next million dollar idea” as long as you have the determination and patience to nurture and develop it. Stepping into “Dragon’s Den” was the turning point for Kier’s business. There, he pitched his heart out, all the while keeping in mind his ultimate mission: to educate youth around the world.

In addition, every download of this app donates money to Free The Children. Kier is successfully demonstrating CSR in his company, by giving back to the organization he’s always been a part of.

Evan Chang’s original blog post: 15-Year-Old Entrepreneur is changing the world UndrTheRadr

Pictures: “Android Apps on Google Play.” Android Apps on Google Play. Google, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

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