What’s in my bag ?

What’s in my bag ? As I look inside, I realize that all the contents have a purpose and allow me to navigate the urban jungle, which is Vancouver. A few of items have changed after March 12, 2020 due to Covid.

I carry a Derek Alexander bag which is made of nylon because it is light weight and water resistant.  This is my go to bag for work and travel because it can hold a lot of things and have side pockets.  In the past, I was always searching for that “perfect” bag, but I feel like I have finally found it.    Other staples inside are my keys and a small wallet that I bought in Whistler to hold credit cards.

My bag also has a sticky note pad, a cell charger, my work phone, and my personal phone (which you can’t see because I am using it to take this picture).  I work for the VSB as a District Resource Teacher for Early Learning.  I’m usually going to different places and constantly on the phone so I’m always finding a place to charge my cell and using the sticky pad to write down notes.  I always carry two granola bars, a piece of fruit or a hard boiled egg, and my water bottle in case there isn’t a place nearby that I can get lunch.   I call these my emergency food supply 🙂

Due to Covid, I carry a small hand sanitizer in my bag as well as a cloth mask I made from a tea towel.  I made several of these for my family as well.  It took me awhile to find this particular cloth because I was trying to find a tea towel with a cross-wise weave.  Another item I sewed when I was self-isolating was the small cloth zipper case in the picture.  If you look closely, the words stitched on the front says Hope and Community and there is a pattern of stars on the cloth.  I felt the stars where each of us made of hope and together, all the stars make up a community working together to fight Covid.  Inside the zipper case, I have a little Hello Kitty tissue packet because it’s allergy season, an eyeliner, vaseline, a Yelp chapstick, and Yelp mints.  I use to go out a lot to restaurants and wrote Yelp reviews, which is now been put on pause due to Covid.

The last things in my bag consist of my planner, my favourite pen, and a recipe.  Before Covid, I used to consult in fashion during the weekends so I would have a small blank journal to sketch out ideas.  I finished my project for a client on February 4th and after March 12th, the economy stopped.  I felt it was a nice transition to stop fashion and do something on my bucket list which I never had the time for.  This was cooking and which is why I always have a a new recipe in my bag.  The last two items in my bag are my planner and my blue frixion 0.7 erasable pen.  It’s a bit old-fashioned, but there is just something nice about flipping the pages of a planner that is made of paper.



8 thoughts on “What’s in my bag ?

  1. suzzie

    I LOVE Frixion pens! I have a rainbow of them and use them to take colour coded notes. I find it interesting how many things have switched in and out of your bag recently due to currently context. It makes me think of the discussion prompt about what might have been different if you were looking at your bag from 15 years ago. What do you think would be the most noticeable difference?

    1. Melody Post author

      Hi Suzzie, when I first tried a Frixion pen, I thought it was a miracle. I don’t ever have to use white out again. My dream would be to have four colours in one Frixion pen. Hmmmm……I think 15 years ago my bag would be incredibly impractical. Small with a heavy bangle attach to the zipper. It wouldn’t even carry my big cell phone that I have now ha ha 🙂

  2. Ryan Dorey

    Hi Melody,
    I really appreciate your hand made starry bag. I started a new makerspace at our school called “Tinkertown” and the sewing section is by far the most popular. Who knew every kid wanted their own little pillow?
    Maybe you could highlight a few stars and write a myth about the constellation on your bag. There is my text thought for the day. 🙂

    1. Melody Post author

      Hi Ryan, I love makerspace! I was doing drop in sessions over here at the Makerspace lab on 2nd Ave before it closed down. The place was so inspirational so it’s wonderful that you created “Tinkertown” at your school. Agreed, it’s quite interesting how kids enjoy sewing. It’s going to sound crazy, but a popular thing to sew is felt donut and tim bits. It’s all hand sewing, using felt fabric, and medium sized needles so it’s very easy for kids. But there are times, all they did in their spare time was make donuts and tim bits. I also like your thought of the day with the starry bag. I’m going to keep that in mind because a myth makes an item more interactive with the user.

  3. Christopher Lam


    I took forever to find the perfect bag years ago too. After a lot of searching, I ended up ditching bags and just go with pockets, or throw things into the trunk of my car. 🙂 Everything else that I need, I carry them in my hands the first time, then leave them where I use them most often. HAHA.

    You are about the nth person from our class that I see carrying a notebook around. It’s so interesting!

    1. Melody Post author

      Hi Christopher, my planner and notebook are the two things I can’t give up!! I did try, numerous times to use the calendar or make notes in my phone. But I would go back to my planner and notebook again. I’m still pondering why I do this 🙂

  4. rania ismail

    I like how practical your bag is and it is so wonderful to be well-prepared and resourceful. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You must be multi-talented being a teacher, a seamstress & a fashion consultant. I agree with you that turning the pages of a book or a planner has a different feel to it. Covid 19 has changed our lives drastically, but perhaps there is a lesson for all of us to learn .

    1. Melody Post author

      Hi Rania, yes, it’s funny how Covid changed the environment which in turn influences society which then influences fashion. Covid seems to be the year of being practical, almost utilitarian. A year ago, I would always have a small make up kit in my bag and sunglasses 🙂


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