Linking Assignment #2

Linking Assignment 2 – Task 4: Manual Scripts and Potato Printing

I decided to do my second linking assignment on Bailey’s potato printing because we had similarities in the visual layout of our website, but difference in author voice.

Meggs Keating’s Blog:

My Blog:


Since we both used UBC WordPress, Bailey and I had a lot of things in common on our online platform and therefore it was easy for me to navigate around it.  We both didn’t have tabs at the top of the page and our recent posts and comments are to the left of the page.  One thing that she had that I didn’t was an Archive heading on her side bar.  I am thinking that in the future I should either create another heading to group my tasks in one section and linking assignments on another because the content is different.  Or maybe I should create different headings at the top of the page? WordPress and creating a website are new to me so I am still in the exploratory, information absorption, and thinking stage.  I find it inspiring having the time to browse through my colleagues’ websites.




I really enjoyed reading Bailey’s post on her potato printing task because I was drawn to her storytelling.  I sense that she is an amazing writer and I love that I can hear her voice in the text.  The tone of her writing for this task is informal, yet scholarly and very relatable. As she describes her trip to the grocery store and the process that she went through to do her potato printing, there was precise vocabulary choice in words that evoked emotion in the reader.  For this task, I wrote quite a lengthy post and talked about the process for my potato printing and manuscript writing.  I also included reflection and integrated some of the readings, but after reading her writing, I think I may “play” around more with different voice in the future with different styles of text, maybe poetry?

We both noticed that potato printing was quite labour intensive and that writing would be more efficient if time is a constraint.  Now this task was straightforward: buy potato, cut potato into a letter, print potato.  However, there is room for interpretation to show your individuality.  A constraint for me was that I have tendinitis in my left elbow which was why I wrote in shorthand.  At the end of Bailey’s text, she noted with humour that “nobody said the letters had to be in the same direction.”  I chuckled at this ????








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