Linking Assignment #6

Linking Assignment 6 – Task 1: What’s in your bag?

For my last linking assignment, I am writing on our first task, What’s in your bag ? I enjoyed reading Jeevan’s post and even though most of our items aren’t similar, we had the same similarity in ideas.

Jeevan Pannun’s Blog:

My Blog:



Jeevan’s Bag                                              My bag


Jeevan and I used WordPress and our website are identical in the way it is laid out.  This made it easy to navigate to the post I was looking for.  Jeevan started his post by identifying each of the items he had in his knapsack and the reason it was there.  He mentions the calculator he used in school as a student fifteen years ago and now as a teacher for calculating student marks.  Other items he mentioned where his highlighters, USB stick, water bottle,  Dell school computer and carrying case.  Even though most of our items aren’t the same, we both have a similiar idea to be prepared for anything unpredictable that can happen in a day as a teacher.  If I expanded my picture to encompass my knapsack that I take to work everyday, I would also have highlighters and the same Dell computer and carrying case.

His writing flowed as he went on to mention that items in his knapsack could be considered text since some had written information on it such as his notebook while others had printed information such as the label on his USB stick.  Like him, I have a sticky notepad as well as a planner to keep the information I need to jot down notes.  I like how he expanded this idea further by mentioning that it can be deduced from the items, that he lives in a society that spoke English.

His post went on to mention various text technologies he had such as the Bic pen he used to write, the highlighters he used to differentiate words when he is communicating with others as well as the printed sheets.  I liked the way he tied in that his notebook and pen function together to confirm that he writes language to communicate information.

Jeevan’s post moved on to mention that since there are text items in his knapsack, one can deduce that he is literate in that he can literally read and write.  He went on further to explain that people can also conclude that he may also be numerically literate because of the calculator.  He added on that one can also assume that he is digitally literate from the USB stick and computer he has.  I connected with his writing when he said that from an archeologist point of view examining his items in the future, they can assume that he lived in a period where technology exists, but it is also a period that still uses paper and pen.

I enjoyed reading Jeevan’s post and like the way he explained text, text technology, and digital literacy in a concrete and relatable way from the items in his knapsack.






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