Take It to The Next Level

YouTube is now bringing more high quality videos online to attract more viewers. Remember the times when there’s no advertisements when you load your YouTube videos? Now, whenever you load a video on YouTube, an ad always comes with it before it starts to load. Exactly, that is one the marketing strategies that YouTube uses to make profits. Now, YouTube introduces a new marketing strategy – partnering with viewers and advertisers to produce high quality videos to serve niche interest. With that, YouTube is taking it to the next level – attract more viewers by producing high quality videos. Personally, I think YouTube has done a great done in both its marketing research and market research, which have successfully helped the company build a firm foundation in the market. However, one thing that came to my mind is that how should YouTube secure its spot in the market with its newly marketing strategy. Something YouTube should take into account is that how will its new marketing strategy bring profit, growth, and values to the company as a whole. Is this new marketing strategy that will make an impact in the short run or a significant influence in the long run?

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/08/business/media/youtube-to-serve-niche-tastes-by-adding-channels.html?ref=technology

Images: http://s.ytimg.com/yt/img/logos/youtube_logo_standard_againstwhite-vflKoO81_.png

Technology in Medical Field

Doctors had been on call for 24 hr and they are exhausted. Sometimes the situation is  not that bad for doctors to be in their office 24 hr. With the introduction of an app called MedCalc, people are able to inject the right amount of supplements into their bodies. Technology has transformed our lives tremendously. The introduction of this new technology increases accessibility of the patients and reduce the work that doctors need to be in the office, which they can allocate their time to other areas of work. This app sets a milestone in medical field and is bringing lots of benefits to the patients in hospitals. MedCalc has helped itself build a great reputation in the medical field, which may be a great sign for profitability because consumers tend to remember the very first kind of new products introduce to the market.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/09/science/redefining-medicine-with-apps-and-ipads-the-digital-doctor.html?pagewanted=1&ref=health&_r=0

Image: http://studentdoctor.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/medical-iphone-apps.jpg

Brand New Marketing Strategy?

There have been some heated patent wars between Apple and Samsung in recent years. After reading Spencer Wei’s blog post: Patent Wars between Companies May Improve Brand Image, I think he has a really good point – patent wars may be another brand new marketing strategy that helps companies to establish their points of differences. The patent wars between Apple and Samsung may be another marketing strategy that these two companies sue to attract public’s attention. Two of the most profitable companies in the world, Apple and Samsung have successfully grabbed the public’s attention by pointing out their points of differences in their lawsuits. However, I think these patent wars do not improve both Apple and Samsung’s brand image. Rather, these lawsuits gave more opportunities – creation of new market sector – to Apple and Samsung. These lawsuits have opened up new customer base for both companies. Indeed, this may be a novel and an innovative marketing strategy. Moreover, these patent wars also lead companies to a more innovative path as they deal with each other’s ideas in the lawsuits.

Image from: http://www.geek4share.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/apple-samsung-patent-war.jpg

Apple and Samsung’s Brand New Marketing Strategy?