Organizational Behavior

After reading article, it made me realize how important organizational behavior is in a firm. While reading through the article, it started to make me think what are the key elements that make an organization successful and what I have realized is that communication between colleagues attributed a lot to an organization’s success. What I have learned from the article is that there is a lot to do with how one presents one’s ideas and opinions to one’s colleagues. It seems to me communication between colleagues has something to do with psychology – speaking and presenting in ways that people are more likely to accept your opinions.

An important lesson that I have learned is that successful communication between people not only creates a healthier environment for people to work in, but also improves efficiency in an organization – people are more intrinsically motivated instead of extrinsically motivated – hence, it creates a positive cycle within an organization.



Market Share

Apple has once again stormed the tablet market with its introduction of iPad mini. According to the article, Apple currently owns 50% of the tablet market share and Samsung, Amazon, and Google share the rest. Unsurprisingly, Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Google all introduced their new tablets before the upcoming holiday.

An interesting point brought up by the article was that not many people would do research before buying tablets and it has come to my attention that not many of my friends have conducted research before buying tablets.

“The Tablet Market Grows Cluttered” has made me realize that what really matters is not the functionality of the tablet, but the marketing strategies that the company has used to sell its products. For instance, there is an obvious reason why Apple has larger customer base than those of any other firms in the industry – comparing to other firms’ marketing strategies and design of their products, Apple always has the biggest press release when it comes to introducing its new products – every time this has not only caught Apple fans’ attention, but also brought the media and public’s attention. Ultimately, I think marketing strategy is most important part of a company.



RE: The Battle for Efficiency

Long distance travel perhaps emits the most carbon dioxide and creates the largest carbon footprints out of all the other contributing factors. Rising fuel costs has caused two of the largest airplane makers, Boeing and Airbus, to search for other opportunities to minimize their costs and maximize their profits. Ultimately, Boeing and Airbus are looking for airplanes that are more fuel efficient.

WIth the limited amount of resources we have, sustainability is essentially what everyone looks for. How exactly should we approach our limited amount of resources without compromising the resources of future generations? Sustainability may sound easy when one talks about it, but the difficult part is how do we use current technology we have now to solve problems that scientists and researchers have been searching for years. From my point of view, rising oil price is essentially a warning for all of us who seek to continue living the way we now live – it is not the responsibilities of people who work in the science field, but the responsibility of all of us who are slowly depleting the amount of resources we have.

Source (response to blog):


Social Entrepreneurship

It was until recently that I truly understood the meaning behind social entrepreneur – before then social entrepreneur was like this vague idea that we have discussed in class.

“The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur” specifically goes into details of how to find the potential social entrepreneurs who may change the world in one day. From my point of view, the best ideas often come from spontaneity – no one could actually predict what acts, ideas, values, or plans may possibly change the world.

However, if we were able to spot these ideas, it would be so useful not only for the general public who benefits it, but also for policy and decision makers.Social entrepreneurs not only see the social problems arise in the society, but they also seek to make use of the entrepreneurial principles to achieve influential social changes. Particularly, the author pointed out how the media in nowadays only focuses on problems and not innovative response to them – this seems to impede and hamper our creative problem-solving skills, which may be the reason why it seems so hard to find future social entrepreneurs in today’s world. Perhaps, creative problem-solving skill is what people in today’s world are lacking.


External blog source:


It surprised me when I first heard of the story of Janice, a Sauder grad who owns energyaware. From what I have heard, Janice started off from scratch – a plan that she didn’t know where it may lead – to an establishment of energyaware. What amazed me the most was her idea of connecting people to resource conservation. With the increasing awareness of global warming, Janice came up with such a brilliant idea to connect people to energy sustainability. Starting off from a business plan that she didn’t even know where it may end up, Janice and her friend managed to find investors to investe her company. Her story really made me thought about the materials that we have discussed in class – entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. The social value of energyaware is more than what one would think – it not only helps its customers to keep track of its energy bills, but also brings awareness of sustainability to people – studies have shown it helps to reduce energy consumption up to 20%. Janice’s story has not only taught me the ideas behind entrepreneurship in practice, but has also helped me realize the limitless possibilities of entrepreneurship that it could bring to the society.



Have you ever imagined seeing the world through watching high-definition videos, streamed from space, at home? Neither have I. UrtheCast has been one of the coolest ideas that I have ever heard of. Streaming Earth from space and getting the views that only astronauts experienced before are ideas that have surpassed and are way beyond my imagination. However, few questions arise from the way UrtheCast broadcast its images through space. In nowadays, people see the importance of privacy more than anything else – the way that UrtheCast broadcast its videos might raise the awareness of certain group of people. Looking back in history, advancements in technological changes always come along with issues such as privacy and it seems to me that most of the time it is the only subject that people care about. Nonetheless, I believe there is a big tradeoff between technological advancements and privacy – if we want to be better at something, privacy is always that one element we need to give up in order to enjoy the benefits of technological advancements or in the possible future, people may come up with better ideas that help to cope with this big tradeoff that we cannot possibly solve now.
