
It surprised me when I first heard of the story of Janice, a Sauder grad who owns energyaware. From what I have heard, Janice started off from scratch – a plan that she didn’t know where it may lead – to an establishment of energyaware. What amazed me the most was her idea of connecting people to resource conservation. With the increasing awareness of global warming, Janice came up with such a brilliant idea to connect people to energy sustainability. Starting off from a business plan that she didn’t even know where it may end up, Janice and her friend managed to find investors to investe her company. Her story really made me thought about the materials that we have discussed in class – entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. The social value of energyaware is more than what one would think – it not only helps its customers to keep track of its energy bills, but also brings awareness of sustainability to people – studies have shown it helps to reduce energy consumption up to 20%. Janice’s story has not only taught me the ideas behind entrepreneurship in practice, but has also helped me realize the limitless possibilities of entrepreneurship that it could bring to the society.


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