Market Share

Apple has once again stormed the tablet market with its introduction of iPad mini. According to the article, Apple currently owns 50% of the tablet market share and Samsung, Amazon, and Google share the rest. Unsurprisingly, Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Google all introduced their new tablets before the upcoming holiday.

An interesting point brought up by the article was that not many people would do research before buying tablets and it has come to my attention that not many of my friends have conducted research before buying tablets.

“The Tablet Market Grows Cluttered” has made me realize that what really matters is not the functionality of the tablet, but the marketing strategies that the company has used to sell its products. For instance, there is an obvious reason why Apple has larger customer base than those of any other firms in the industry – comparing to other firms’ marketing strategies and design of their products, Apple always has the biggest press release when it comes to introducing its new products – every time this has not only caught Apple fans’ attention, but also brought the media and public’s attention. Ultimately, I think marketing strategy is most important part of a company.



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