Response to Yue Huang’s blog post: Intrapreneurship in Google


As the term “Intrapreneurship” is defined to be behaving as an entrepreneur within a large corporation, my classmate Yue Huang’s blog post emphasizes the role of creativity within a firm and utilizes Google in order to corroborate the significance of “intrapreneurship” in establishing a successful company.


Upon reading the blog post, I have immediately connected the idea toward YouTube – a subsidiary company owned by Google. As a growing firm, YouTube relies heavily on creative contents produced by individual youtubers. I believe its business model should be regarded as a diverged format of intrapreneaurship as YouTube enables its users to generate or submit innovative materials in order to attract traffic and in term promote business growth. Users are given financial opportunities through programs such as the YouTube Partnership as they will be able to earn money for their contents. Such program will not only encourage the content creators to produce more interesting materials, it will also promote the growth in the number of users. With more riveting content, the population of the audience will in term proliferate as well.



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