Co Co Chanel’s Success

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“A fashion that does not reach the street is not a fashion,” Chanel once said.

Once I saw a list about the things a woman must do in her life, owning a Chanel 2.5 bag is on the list. That reminds me of a phenomenon when I traveled to Hong Kong this summer. Hundreds of people lined up in front of the Chanel Hongkong Store and want to buy the bag. As you know, Chanel is a Luxury brand; the price of it is really high. How come lots of woman spent nearly 5000 dollars just for a little hand bag? Now I figure it out that, Chanel’s positioning contributes to its success at a big extent. Chanel position itself at the luxury level from the beginning. Classic and fashion have already formed in customers mind for a long time. Chanel’s bags almost shape in a constant model, which is a unique symbol of the brand. Customers can easily distinguish it from millions of bags. Double C mark means status, beauty, classic for a woman who carry Chanel’s bag. Chanel is absolutely one of the leaders in the luxury brands’ market and always the winner.

27. September 2010 by mengluqian
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