Monthly Archives for October 2010

MSN for customer service! Taobao!!

nowadays online shopping have already became one of the most popular way for customers especially young customers. As the reaserch shows that most customers believe peer reconmandation for the store online rather than the advertise.Thus,for those who want to make … Continue reading

27. October 2010 by mengluqian
Categories: Uncategorized, What i've learned | Tags: | Leave a comment

Ted x looby 1!! online shopping!

27. October 2010 by mengluqian
Categories: TED x looby comm101 | Tags: | Leave a comment

Looby’s Video coming out!!!!

hi everybody. this is looby’s video serious for com101!! come to visit me and feel free to leave any comments

25. October 2010 by mengluqian
Categories: TED x looby comm101, Uncategorized | Tags: | Leave a comment

Twitter! Easier navigating—new strategy!

Twitter recently revealed the most dramatic overhaul to its website since the social network’s debut four year ago. The newly enhanced change twitters mind of twitting via the original site. When I see the news I was considering whether it … Continue reading

10. October 2010 by mengluqian
Categories: What i've learned | Tags: | Leave a comment

Mouth of the world—social media

Facebook ,twitter ,myspace, msn, bolg have all became a fad. It not just only a trend of fashion,it also gradually become a mean of doing business. It is reported that “78% customers trust peer recommendation only 14% of them trust … Continue reading

07. October 2010 by mengluqian
Categories: What i've learned | Tags: | Leave a comment

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