Mouth of the world—social media

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Facebook ,twitter ,myspace, msn, bolg have all became a fad. It not just only a trend of fashion,it also gradually become a mean of doing business.

It is reported that “78% customers trust peer recommendation only 14% of them trust advertisement

That shows social media has become one of the most reliable ways for customers to verify a product or service.

It happens every corner in our life. For instance before i choose my first-year course, i will go to “ratemyprofessor” to see the comments from students, which may influence my choiceof prof in a large extent.

As you can see social media—the mouth of the world will influence your choice.

Let’s back to the business field. Social media is both treat and opportunity for a company.

Every little single error a company made can be magnify in a large extent, so does the merit.

It is really easy to destroy a company’s reputation through social media.

As lots of people have found out the strong power of the social media, the business world also experience a increasing trend of ” immoral competition“. Some may use the SM spreading negative information to ruin thier competitors’ reputation prepensely.

So, here is a issue for every company who want to take advantage of SM to concern: how to use SM to help build brand reputation in the largest extent as well as avoid negative information’s ruin.

07. October 2010 by mengluqian
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