Twitter! Easier navigating—new strategy!

Twitter recently revealed the most dramatic overhaul to its website since the social network’s debut four year ago. The newly enhanced change twitters mind of twitting via the original site.

When I see the news I was considering whether it is a tactics or a strategy. I finally figure out it is the strategy rather than a tactics.

First of all, based on the data that 78% of twitter use at least part of the time and about half of all twitters use only website, it show  that provide an easier navigating on the website seems a revolution for most of the twitters. It has a long term effect on twitter’s develop. The website was redesigned so as to give people a more efficient way to get information. Thus there will be an increasing number of people who are willing twit via the website, and the hits of twitter will increase in a big extent.

Moreover, this change affects the firm’s overall direction. The target market will be enlarged by the easier navigating.  Twitters will not search for apps like TweetDeck, thus strengthen the supplier’s power and weaken threat of substitutes.

In the intensive competitive social media market, twitter’s decision on redesigned the website is also a perfect way to attract not only twitters but also those who want to invest on twitters. Thus the strategy provide a better chance for twitter to stand out in the market!

link :<span style=’font-size:8px;color:990000′>▀</span> <a target=_blank style=’color:0066cc;font-weight:bolder;font-size:14px’ href=>Easier Navigating At Tweaked Twitter</a>

10. October 2010 by mengluqian
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