Daily Archives for November 30, 2010

How web videos power global innovation

Recently, I saw bunch of music video of “original songs” or “cover songs” on facebook, youtube which are made by different people. Some of them are awesome, even better than a prossional singer. That remind me of the “Ted Talk” … Continue reading

30. November 2010 by mengluqian
Categories: What i've learned | Tags: | Leave a comment

“Twin Books”-social entrepreneur

CHINA Social Entrepreneur      link for the Chinese Social Entrepreneur foundation:http://www.youcheng.org/aboutus/english.html When we talks about Social Entrepreneur, I feel that there are lots of them in foreign country but less in China. I am sure there are lot going … Continue reading

30. November 2010 by mengluqian
Categories: What i've learned | Tags: | Leave a comment

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