How web videos power global innovation

Recently, I saw bunch of music video of “original songs” or “cover songs” on facebook, youtube which are made by different people. Some of them are awesome, even better than a prossional singer. That remind me of the “Ted Talk” I watched recently about the topic “how web video power global innovation?

In china Web video provide a chance for some called “singer on the network” to be famous, they upload their videos on line, if it is good, people will send it on BBS, facebook, then more and more people share it. It is the easiest way for one to get famous. If you think deeply the web video’s power, like the speaker Christ Anderson, you will find web video brings us lots of innovated ideas. There is a potential competition among the web videos. For those who made the music video themselves, they need to make it sounds better, looks better, be more interesting and innovated to attract people. It brings out the innovation. It is similar as the advertising. In order to attract your “target audience”, company should brainstorming for a more innovated idea to achieve the audience expansion. Using mass media as one of the marketing strategy, in some extent can boost the speed of innovation world widely.

Moreover, I saw a comments on the youtube said “I have learnt more in the last year from youtube than i did 17 years from school and college. Amazing source of information.”

Web videos build a platform for people to communicate through the virtual way, and information exchange. Where there is a communication, there is a debate and competition. Then those functional competitions will benefit the society as a whole.YouTube Preview Image

30. November 2010 by mengluqian
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