“Twin Books”-social entrepreneur

CHINA Social Entrepreneur      link for the Chinese Social Entrepreneur foundation:http://www.youcheng.org/aboutus/english.html

When we talks about Social Entrepreneur, I feel that there are lots of them in foreign country but less in China. I am sure there are lot going on in China in recent years, and the most Inspiring Story from the Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship, talking about 1KG More, a social enterprise that implemented Voluntourism: combining backpacking with delivering books and other gifts for rural Chinese children.

Basically, they are selling “twin books”.  Twin books are a pair of selected books for children. If one book is sold in cities, another book will be donated to rural children. The owners of these two books will become a “twin”. Through the twin code in the book, the children in cities can find contact information of rural children on Twin Book’s website and make communication through letters with rural children.

It showed that “the twin book project sold over 2000 fairy story books in 2007 and more than 1000 rural students benefited from it. Now 1KG More has five full-time staff and a stable group of volunteers.” In April 2008, 1KG More registered as a company and aimed to operate as a social enterprise model.

Their Profit is generated for a better purpose which benefits the social as a whole. While charity has a limited number Government should courage “social entrepreneur” to function associated with charities. It will benefit the society as well as boosting the development of whole economy.

Here is the link for the school of social entrepreneur http://www.sse.org.uk/

30. November 2010 by mengluqian
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