“Twin Books”-social entrepreneur

CHINA Social Entrepreneur      link for the Chinese Social Entrepreneur foundation:http://www.youcheng.org/aboutus/english.html

When we talks about Social Entrepreneur, I feel that there are lots of them in foreign country but less in China. I am sure there are lot going on in China in recent years, and the most Inspiring Story from the Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship, talking about 1KG More, a social enterprise that implemented Voluntourism: combining backpacking with delivering books and other gifts for rural Chinese children.

Basically, they are selling “twin books”.  Twin books are a pair of selected books for children. If one book is sold in cities, another book will be donated to rural children. The owners of these two books will become a “twin”. Through the twin code in the book, the children in cities can find contact information of rural children on Twin Book’s website and make communication through letters with rural children.

It showed that “the twin book project sold over 2000 fairy story books in 2007 and more than 1000 rural students benefited from it. Now 1KG More has five full-time staff and a stable group of volunteers.” In April 2008, 1KG More registered as a company and aimed to operate as a social enterprise model.

Their Profit is generated for a better purpose which benefits the social as a whole. While charity has a limited number Government should courage “social entrepreneur” to function associated with charities. It will benefit the society as well as boosting the development of whole economy.

Here is the link for the school of social entrepreneur http://www.sse.org.uk/

30. November 2010 by mengluqian
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MSN for customer service! Taobao!!

YouTube Preview Imagenowadays online shopping have already became one of the most popular way for customers especially young customers. As the reaserch shows that most customers believe peer reconmandation for the store online rather than the advertise.Thus,for those who want to make a great profit from their online store, customer service has be reagarded as the most crutial part. I am here to introduce a really efficent way of doing customer service: using MSN system! In china the most famous online shopping web is TAOBAO, where the founder develope a system like MSN to serve customers. When you buy some goods from a store, the TAOBAO MSN will aotomaticlly add one of the customer rep on your list. You can
check your order, ask your questions or make the refound by communacating with the customer service rep online. I find the way effiently for the following reasons. First of all, instead of leting customer wait on the phone for ten minutes and make them angry, customers can leave the message to the CSR. It avoid the straight conflicts with CSR which can increase both of the customer and CSR satisfaction. Thus it may build customers’ loyalty and reduce employees’
turnover. Secondly, A CSR can help more than one customers at the same time, and doing the online service do not required a lots of equippment. Each CSR only need a computer!! It can help the owner eliminate the cost and enlarge the profit!!! However, there are some concerm of doing customer service using MSN. The CSR need to check the message very oftenly and give the feedback as soon as possible. They also need to try to use priting language instead of verbal one to try to make customers feel welcoming and be concerned.

27. October 2010 by mengluqian
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Ted x looby 1!! online shopping!

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27. October 2010 by mengluqian
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Looby’s Video coming out!!!!

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hi everybody.

this is looby’s video serious for com101!!

come to visit me and feel free to leave any comments

25. October 2010 by mengluqian
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Twitter! Easier navigating—new strategy!

Twitter recently revealed the most dramatic overhaul to its website since the social network’s debut four year ago. The newly enhanced Twitter.com change twitters mind of twitting via the original site.

When I see the news I was considering whether it is a tactics or a strategy. I finally figure out it is the strategy rather than a tactics.

First of all, based on the data that 78% of twitter use twitter.com at least part of the time and about half of all twitters use only website, it show  that provide an easier navigating on the website seems a revolution for most of the twitters. It has a long term effect on twitter’s develop. The website was redesigned so as to give people a more efficient way to get information. Thus there will be an increasing number of people who are willing twit via the website, and the hits of twitter will increase in a big extent.

Moreover, this change affects the firm’s overall direction. The target market will be enlarged by the easier navigating.  Twitters will not search for apps like TweetDeck, thus strengthen the supplier’s power and weaken threat of substitutes.

In the intensive competitive social media market, twitter’s decision on redesigned the website is also a perfect way to attract not only twitters but also those who want to invest on twitters. Thus the strategy provide a better chance for twitter to stand out in the market!

link :<span style=’font-size:8px;color:990000′>▀</span> <a target=_blank style=’color:0066cc;font-weight:bolder;font-size:14px’ href=http://cn.wsj.com/gb/20101009/ptk111405_ENversion.shtml?source=blog>Easier Navigating At Tweaked Twitter</a>

10. October 2010 by mengluqian
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Mouth of the world—social media

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Facebook ,twitter ,myspace, msn, bolg have all became a fad. It not just only a trend of fashion,it also gradually become a mean of doing business.

It is reported that “78% customers trust peer recommendation only 14% of them trust advertisement

That shows social media has become one of the most reliable ways for customers to verify a product or service.

It happens every corner in our life. For instance before i choose my first-year course, i will go to “ratemyprofessor” to see the comments from students, which may influence my choiceof prof in a large extent.

As you can see social media—the mouth of the world will influence your choice.

Let’s back to the business field. Social media is both treat and opportunity for a company.

Every little single error a company made can be magnify in a large extent, so does the merit.

It is really easy to destroy a company’s reputation through social media.

As lots of people have found out the strong power of the social media, the business world also experience a increasing trend of ” immoral competition“. Some may use the SM spreading negative information to ruin thier competitors’ reputation prepensely.

So, here is a issue for every company who want to take advantage of SM to concern: how to use SM to help build brand reputation in the largest extent as well as avoid negative information’s ruin.

07. October 2010 by mengluqian
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Co Co Chanel’s Success

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“A fashion that does not reach the street is not a fashion,” Chanel once said.

Once I saw a list about the things a woman must do in her life, owning a Chanel 2.5 bag is on the list. That reminds me of a phenomenon when I traveled to Hong Kong this summer. Hundreds of people lined up in front of the Chanel Hongkong Store and want to buy the bag. As you know, Chanel is a Luxury brand; the price of it is really high. How come lots of woman spent nearly 5000 dollars just for a little hand bag? Now I figure it out that, Chanel’s positioning contributes to its success at a big extent. Chanel position itself at the luxury level from the beginning. Classic and fashion have already formed in customers mind for a long time. Chanel’s bags almost shape in a constant model, which is a unique symbol of the brand. Customers can easily distinguish it from millions of bags. Double C mark means status, beauty, classic for a woman who carry Chanel’s bag. Chanel is absolutely one of the leaders in the luxury brands’ market and always the winner.

27. September 2010 by mengluqian
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“My analysis” beats “i think”

Every problem-solving process needs to get through two phases, the first one is “I think”, and the second one is “My analysis shows”.

“I think” is a phase which our subjective understanding leads the roles.  However, empiricism does not always work. For instance, in “Lieber’s case”, most of people came up with the decision “decrease the price “to save Lieber’s market share, just like the economics theory showing when price going down people’s demand increase. However, it is two different cases. As the data shows, 20% decrease in price needs twice units to cover the cost. The numbers seem ironic, but it is the truth.  So then we get to know, Lieber cannot win on price.

The first step we have to do is to figure out what the issue is. Then we should collect information on any aspects which may connect with the issue. Analysis should mostly be based on data which you collect. Moreover, the analysis should be divided into two parts “accounting analysis” and “marketing analysis”.

We always start with the “accounting analysis”, we should figure out basically what are fixed cost and variable cost. At the same time, calculate the break even units. Secondly, we should consider the economy situation and customer feedback as the “marketing analysis”.

After the analysis, we can come out some practical alternative suggestions and recommendation for the company.

Back to the Lieber’s case, because the company cannot win on price, we have to concentrate on customer service part. There is a location advantage Lieber can take. They can come up with some features on transportation or make it specialize on immediate supply, which can attract companies who needs the product right away. Moreover, Lieber can also put some effort in quality improvement, so that they can build the good reputation among the customers to get their loyalty.

23. September 2010 by mengluqian
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Business Ethis case:Pharmaceutical company admits to lying about the health risks of its drugs

Before i talk about the Pharmaceutical company’ case about Business Ethic, i want to clearify the difinition of buisness ethic.

Business ethics (also known as Corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethic or professional ethic that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and business organizations as a whole. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_ethics)

This case is basicly about a Pharmaceutical company in U.S adertised its product using unreal information. The company failed to include important information about hypoglycemia and diabetes, and promoted its drug as being safer than other anti-psychotic drugs.

In this case, the ethic issuze is that: in order to maximize its profit, this company hide a most imprtant information about its side-effect which may have a bad effect on the medecine taker.

Its  comprehensible that all the firm in the economic market want to maximize its profit, but in terms of products like drug, which is crutial to human’s health. The pharmaceutical company’s action can not be ethicly accepted.

As a student who may get in to the buisness world, i think when we judge and weigh our profit with social morals, we should put the moral at first. It is a common sense that reputation is crutial for a company and the reputation of a company is based on the aspect of moral. The reputation  can be easily ruined when the company do some immoral trade.YouTube Preview Image

Here is the link of the article    http://www.naturalnews.com/001502_prescription_drugs_pharma_industry.html

15. September 2010 by mengluqian
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